Sunday, March 14, 2010

Lindsey Graham On Obama Health Care 'Spin': Americans Are 'Tired Of This Crap'

Graham is absolutely right and even if you are a hard core Obamaite they need to listen. What;s important - the most important thing this country needs is economic reform - from breaking up the banks to getting the bonus back to jobs. Nothing else is important but this. Everything is about the economy. If Obamaites push this thing down the throats of the american people - they will kill any agenda they have in congress for the rest of Obama's term and lose the house in the fall. Is that what you want? If you are a die hard Obamaite consider whether subsidizing the docs, hosps and drug companies of the country with tax payer funded bailouts is the issue that is so important nothing else in the world matters - not jobs, not foreclosures, not cred, not bankrupt banks, etc. Also, get your head examined as it's logic circuit is fried.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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