Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Mitt Romney To Tea Party: No Third Party Candidacies

MittRomnet doesn;t get the message - He and his cohorts arepart of the probem - same as the dems. Voters will flock to the person with the message that resonates. Reps are theones that launched 2 wars, lowered taxes for the wealthy topay for it and exploded the budget with Medicare increases. They are the same as the dems. When you're in the power structure for too long - they are al the same. The current dems are give away artists they have wrecked the eocnomy when they could have saved it and the current reps have watched as the large banks reaped your taxpayer dollars and got bonuses and they did and saidnothing and now they oppose nay change to the system that has caused millions to lose jobs and their homes. Vote them all out in 2010 and believe none of them. They have an obligation thweir partyline first, big donors second and you fifth. Who knows what's inbetween?
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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