Friday, March 5, 2010

The Tea Party Is All About Race

OK - recreational or legal pharmacueticals? Only that could produce this rambling monloge of illogic. Of course the financial crisis was manuafctured. I gues facts like the bad guys loaned money to themselves withthe complicity of their firends and then gavethe,sel;ves bonuses and locked out credit to shut down the market and they did it all insecret has nothing to do with reality. Sorry dude, you are what we called seriously out of touch with reality. Second, your refusal to believe that the "healthcare crisis" is manufactured doesn't make it so. Like your anecdotal drivel about a foreclosure - when the banks Obama gave billions to for no reason collapsed the economy - people dropped health insurance - if they had jobs they would have kept it. THis decreased insurance revenues and revealed what's behind the mask - greedy docs, hosps and drug cos. Second, insurance is a price support - it props up docs, hosps and drug companies - the reason that medical services cost so much. So is the healthcare crisis around insurance manufactured - absolutley. Have we done anythning to control DHD costs no. Vilola- another Obama bailout. 2 massive bailouts to the rich and we reap econ collapse and devastation thanks to our Prez and the fraud of the Big Lie.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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