Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Big Business, GOP Complain That Health Reform Slashes Corporate Welfare

This author is on serious meds and must be onthe far side of Obamacrats who like to takje th truth ans twist reality where $700 nbillion in bank bailouts is good for the taxpayer logic. What the author is sugffering from is something known as cranial rectal inversion. The healthcare benefits from business have always been subsidzed - always and it not the driug piece. It's the whole system. You don;t get taxed for benefits although they are income and businessses receive a tax benefit too - everybody gets to ride the tax break bus. So let's move past the hypocrisy Ryan and your big words like coporate welfare - you are a nitwit. This is the failure of Obamacare aside from the fact the tax savings are a lie as Lindesey Graham reported yesterday. Our system is one massive price support mechanism to disguise the escalating costs of out of control medical services. and corporations and small businesses are absolutely right. In order to cover to their balance sheets becasue this tax break is gone - their costs will go up. If they go up enough - prices go up. But once again with the Obama economic defciti shell game. Comsumers will continue to expect governemnt pork individually to keep them alfloat while it sinks the nation as a whole.
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Monday, March 29, 2010

Lindsey Graham Compares Health Care Reform Financing To A "Ponzi Scheme"

Hello - Anyone with a brain operating out there - this would exclude Obamacrats. The finaicing issue has always been ludicrous - from a straight line 10 years analaysis to money shuffling - this is a budget buster from the word go and a total scam. All who voted for this simply couldnot place the interests of the country above giivng a failed president a phyrric victory. My qiestion is - where was Graham and ilk when we need these questions played out in the media - nowhere. Instead they drivelled on about death panels. Graham should be ashamed that he did not talk substance when he had the chance - he did a disservie to Amercia. Get it guys - they ALL don;t care about their country just their small meaningless agendas. Vote them all out in 2010 - all of them at the federal, state and local level. Join me in real change - not talk talk and send the same self righteous jokers back to to do something they are incapable of.
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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Chris Matthews Blasts Fox News: 'Absolutely No Debate, Just [Trashing]' Health Care (VIDEO)

Classic pot calling the kettle black I have not heasrd or seen a debate on this healthcare ;egislation in the 10 months - I hear diatribes and rants but neither side hasput forth a compelling argument. If youdon;t have insurance you will forced, the governemnt will force you to buy insurance or you will be taxed. Neither side has discussed this issue - why does everyone forced to buy something? There isno sourcethat has ever said it will make rates go lower - no insutrance group has committed to lower rates - it's simply an unchallenged assertion - that on the face makes no sense. Then there is the tx increase if you don;t buy insurance- the media keeps calling this a fime - llike a traffic biuit the legislationsays it wil be an excise tax - so this is a potential tax increase of up to $10k a year - once again why? To what clearand documented purpose. Even on this one simple issue that effects millions I have not heard one clear debate takeplace on eith side. So shove it matthews. If Obama wants something this bad = come to the table and make anhonest case insteadof twisting so many arms and giving so much pork - doesn;t this action say something all by itself?
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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Health Care Opponents Demonize 'Deem And Pass' As The Media Gets It Wrong [UPDATE]

You are saying that there will be two votes on the same thing simultaneously. Which is ridiculous even for Pelosi. and without value unless the deem vote has something different in it than the up or down vote. Then it is as the Republicans claim that Pelosi is trying to slip one by us and relieve her minions of guilt for bilking the taxpayer one more time. Your comments on process are irrelevant and obfuscate - the use of deem relieves the passers of accountability- regardless of party who uses it and reconciliation is a process used for cleanup not initiation of major legislation . The reps didn;t use this process on the last budget busting healthcare scam (Bush's $500 billion Medicare). If fthe dems are trying this hard \ - doesn;t this tell us that there is something wrong.. something that causes this much turmoil and if passed will lierally wreck the ability of congress to act on anything in the future. Why would Obama stake everything on this. If fhe wins he it will cost him the House and more of the Senate and he loses. If he loses the reps will have a field day and subject him to so much ridicule he might as well lresign and he loses. he has set himself to lsoe just because of the emotion of the moment - this is not leadership - it is the Emoperor trying to get everybody to stop laughing becaus ethey have seen he has
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Fat Acceptance Group: Gabby Is Not Necessarily Unhealthy

Obesity and poor nutrition are the primary cause for all health issues - heart, cancer, diabetes, gout, ED, you name it - too much fat is the major reason. As a result being obese is also single largest driver for spiraling health care costs. Average Medicare cost for an obese boomer under Medicare is $4,000 more a yearthan for nin-obese boomer and 60% are obese. So obese and fat people are also the reason we all pay higher insurance premiums, etc. Sorry, fat people and your acceptance group - those are the facts. You go to the doctor more because you have more ailments because you are fat and poorly nourished. and the rest of us pay for to go thereby encouraging you to stay fat. I don;t mind you eating porrly and being obese - thta's your choice - what I don;t wantto do hear you guys whining whenyou can't fit into a seat and ask for special accomodations and finally whatI hate is having to subsidize your fatness - through hiddent taxes, higher insurance premiums, etc. Get ona good nutrtion program, do some exercise and get a body style so you canbe proud of your appearance.
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Health Reform Typo Became Anti-Abortion Talking Point

Typo is where you misspell a word. Leaving out a sentence is entirely diferent. I am pro choice and find this argument another conservative nut job argument but thepoint is thathis bill is so huge and unweildy no one knows what's in it - no one. And people keep lying about it all the time and it is a nightmare to get anyone to sign on too. why are they pursuing this? To make Obama look good. He's longpat that.. he looks like a piece of trash and now he looks like a desparate rotting piece of trash willing to sacrifice everything, including his non-existent honor for this bill. Not for financial reform, isn't that odd. theone thing thathas defined his admin is how he bailed out banks with no accountability and for no reason andlet them take $200 billion inbonuses for failure - this led to a collapse of theamerican economy, 15%unemployment, foreclosures, etc. They are all his and has nothing about them - no going to get the banks and the money - isn;t that odd? How much have all the Blanfeins and Geithner's paid him while he looks theother way so they can continue to loot the economy.
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Sunday, March 14, 2010

Michael Lewis 60 Minutes Interview: Wall Street Bonuses 'A Very Elegant Form Of Theft' (VIDEO)

A light in the darkness of politcal mindlessness. Let's get it straight - there was and is no financial crisis requiring bailouts and bonuses and destruction of the american economy. Banks caused the destruction of the because they were bailed out and absorbed all the capital. They knew what they were doing evil and corruption of Bernake, Geithner is absolutle. Their minions or dupesor coconspirators are Bush and Obama. When Obama took office he had a chnace to chnage but didnt; do it and has done nothing - this is the heart of his personla andpolitcal failure. Sorry Obamaites = that's it ina nutshell. The President willing and with completeknowledgeof what he was doing saold his country to the large bankers so they could loot the treasury with no accountability and destroy the lives of milionsof hard working americans. Now if Bush was in office - he would have done the same thing but Obama didn;t have to - he came in with a mandate of change and chose to starve children, bankrupt state governments, increase taxes, give the villians jobs, call financial criminals savvy, etc. How could one man do some much to harm us all so quickly. How could he collude with themost eveil focres inour country to demolish the lives of so many. He looks so clean and packaged on the outside butinside he depth of depravity must run so deep - Iprefer to thin that rather than is a total blithering idiot who has to have
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Lindsey Graham On Obama Health Care 'Spin': Americans Are 'Tired Of This Crap'

Graham is absolutely right and even if you are a hard core Obamaite they need to listen. What;s important - the most important thing this country needs is economic reform - from breaking up the banks to getting the bonus back to jobs. Nothing else is important but this. Everything is about the economy. If Obamaites push this thing down the throats of the american people - they will kill any agenda they have in congress for the rest of Obama's term and lose the house in the fall. Is that what you want? If you are a die hard Obamaite consider whether subsidizing the docs, hosps and drug companies of the country with tax payer funded bailouts is the issue that is so important nothing else in the world matters - not jobs, not foreclosures, not cred, not bankrupt banks, etc. Also, get your head examined as it's logic circuit is fried.
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Friday, March 12, 2010

Obama Juggling Full Agenda Of Domestic Issues

Energy, immigration, healthcare and not a single word about the economy and what has caused its collapse - why. The large banks must be broken up and the bonuses taken back and the samller eegional banks should be given leverage to make preferred loans and credit. THis is the heart of the economic recovery and the reaosn wehaven;t recovered is that nothing has changed among those who created, yes created this fiscal disaster. The whole financial crisis is manufactured by the banks for the ourposes of gaing goverment money to cover up their malfeaseance. Thefact that Obama doesn;t get it means that he is doomed to failure. For some reasonthese don;t understand that underlying economic structureof the country is warped by these banks - from bailouts and bonuses to deficits and bonds, the to Feds being flooded with cash and $2 trillion in toxic loans. Vote out al incumbents on 2010
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Nancy Pelosi Will Not Include Public Option In Final Bill

Can we just depth charge this piece of mismatched, budget busting, pork laden, tax increasing legislation? What is the point - the dems and especially Obama were fools to advance this ill defined and conceived bill at a time of economic depression with millionsout of work and deficits exploding. When it comes to political judgement they were out to lumch. Not to mention - it's just a bad bill that does mothing for the quality of health. Dems and Reps - it's the economy - it always has been the economy. Every rep that voted for bailouts or against the restruring the financial sector and going after the creators of the financial fraud should be ejected from their jobs. Oh that's right all of them either kissing Wall Street's butt or having it kissed. Don;t you so-called leaders understand that apeasement with the economic hitlers of the 21st Century doesn;t work? These are the bad guys they are not good and there is nothing good about them. They have stolen our future just as they are destroying our present. Voote out all incumbents in 2010 and you have paid them $200 billion in bonuses to do it.
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Lehman Bankrutpcy: 'Repo 105,' Bank's 'Accounting Gimick,' Was Like 'A Drug,' Emails Show

What does it take to demonstrate that there was no financial meltdown to the regular world? If this doesn;t do it - more people are in fairy land than I thought. Everyonw of these guys from Goldman to AIg to AMEX - all the large banks created the crisis. In collusion with the NYC Fed and Tim G these guys were given billions to cover their fraud. That's why there's no strings - Tim G and Ben and company were in on it - THey were all buddies and if fact Ciritcorp was actually on the Board of the Fed as the loans were authorized they voted to give money to themselves. These guys created a crisis where none existed and instead of just reorging the sector to separate these functions - they got bailed out. and absorbed the credit and collapsed the economy, oh yeah and gave themselves $200 billion in bonuses for their crimes - all with the consent and approval of Bush and expanded and supported by Obama. The present state of the economy is due to the actions of Obama in supportung and directing Tim G, Ben B and the rest of the banking clique to continue the looting of the americaneconomy - he had his chance to change things and getuson the irght track and failed - just as he has failed on all major initiatives. It's the economy America and the large banks and the Fed are theheart of the eocnomy.
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Thursday, March 11, 2010

Nouriel Roubini: Poor Economic Data Suggests A Double-Dip Recession Is Coming

This must come as a major surprise to the White House. The country is bankrupt and there is no recovery. Obamanomics is a failure. 30% of all children are at the poverty level in Chicago, half the schools in Kansas city will be closed, CA is bankrupt, Fannie Mae which now does 95% of all home loans hold a portfolio of $2 trillion in toxic loans and $18 billion in request for additionla funds. This goes on and on, GM will eat $6 billion in tax money, greece is falling apart and the UK is judt starting to unwravel. Buthere is the bright spot - the banker and the corportaions - thepeople who started all this have been bailedout by tothe tune of $700 billion and they have given themselves $200 billionin bonuses (2009) with our money. This is the failure of Obama - to understand that a manufactured crisis which did not exist has turned into a real nighmare because of his personal efforts. He advocated more payments and more bonuses, has made no reorganization, no new laws, imposed no penalities and called the people who just took your house or cause your layoff his savvy friends.
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Gary Gensler, Former Goldman Partner, Leads Derivatives Reform Effort As CFTC Chair

THe financial crisis that caused the "great Rcession" as its termed is a manufactured crisis and as soon as we begin to understand that a smal clique of bankers with mostly common cultural, geographic and business connections colluded with our Fed and Treasury to prop up thier failure - we will get a picture of greed and coirruption to include the white house to wall street.. Remember how Goldman operates. They setup sub prime loan pools they kew would fail, insured against their failure with AIG and then when the loans failed as aniticipated, they went to AIG to cover the losses and AIG went to the feds and the FED Reserve paid out for AIG to Goldman - 100 cents on the dollar for worthless paper with no penalities, no. accountabvility, no nothing. The banks took the money and paid themselves $200 billion in performance bonuses - deserved for being the best scams artists in history and they absorbed all the rest of the credit colapsing the markets. How could this be? How can no one see this at the highest levels before they committed themselves and why has no one tried to stop it? It makes no economic sense, except when you see that the same companies that got paid off have profited so conveniently off the rotting corpse of the world's economy and especially americans - our jobs, our homes, etc.
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Senators Target Wall Street, With Goldman Sachs In Mind

16 months and this is it? Where was this legislation in 1Q09 - laying around gathering dust while the banks got $700 billion in giveaways for a mythical financial crisis they created. Still no tax on the bonuses,. no criminality for past actions. It took 15 months and a destroyed economy to produce thsi leguslation taht is so monumnetally simple. Where has Obama been - other than fiddling while Rome burns - he was making sure his savvy business buddies got over $200 billion in bonuses from your money and doing nothing while they absorbed all thecredit and starved the american economy. THis is what teabaggers are screaming about - 16 months to recognize the greatest economic disaster in our history and still not quite getting it - banking regs do it, no oversight did it, let's back to 30's legistlation, BUT no pointing some fingers at the people responsnible - names, addresses, nothing. It's like al came out the fog.
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The Speech For Which We Have Been Waiting

I guess I am missing - I know Bush didn;t say anything and OPbama has been a failure for us and a white knight for the bankers BUT I don;t need a history lesson - who cares? WE need someone to say simply that the corruption of the Fed and Treasury under Bush and especially under Obama has disquised the worst finaincal fraud in our history. Tim G and Ben B are the linking agents. Itis the banking bailouts and the bonuses thatare the issue - there was and is no financial meltdown - never has been. There was a smal clique of friends that coluded to payoff themselves wqithour money and take $200 bilion in bonuses for themselves. If they had reorged - we would have been through it all by now. Isntead we perpetuated and accelerated the conomiy's collapse by Obama continuing, increasing and acknowlging thepayofffs. That's the speech - not a historylesson that white washes the White House and the Fed and Congress. THe garbage didn;t happeninthe 90's - it happened in the 8 years. And remember it is all a manufactured crisis to establish a reason for Tim G to give and I mean give billions of our money to his buddies. Look at the numbers - if they hadn;t given the banks all that money for payoffs - we would have saved our self so much human tragedy and for that we can blame Obama now.
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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Mitt Romney To Tea Party: No Third Party Candidacies

MittRomnet doesn;t get the message - He and his cohorts arepart of the probem - same as the dems. Voters will flock to the person with the message that resonates. Reps are theones that launched 2 wars, lowered taxes for the wealthy topay for it and exploded the budget with Medicare increases. They are the same as the dems. When you're in the power structure for too long - they are al the same. The current dems are give away artists they have wrecked the eocnomy when they could have saved it and the current reps have watched as the large banks reaped your taxpayer dollars and got bonuses and they did and saidnothing and now they oppose nay change to the system that has caused millions to lose jobs and their homes. Vote them all out in 2010 and believe none of them. They have an obligation thweir partyline first, big donors second and you fifth. Who knows what's inbetween?
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Treasury Department Makes Robust Effort To Repair Image, Acknowledges Messaging Problems

Joe Wilson moment - lies, lies,. lies and mow lies. Here is the guy who used his influence to destroy the american economy in order to enrich his friends. The Fed in NYC is the mort banking org inthe world andhe led it. There was no financial meltdown - nothinginthe numbers supports it. Geithner so called eocnomics. It was a bailout to friends among friends and collapsed the american economy and the Obama reward for total failure but givingt him Treasury Department. The idea of comparing of what would have happened under a hypothetical Rep admin is beyond itiotic.. The comparison is not giving the banks anything and do a reorg of the finaical system and breaking these guys up and porbably most in proson. The tale of imment disaster is spawned by those who sat in secret meetings with their friends and agrred to line each other's pockets at our expense. There was and is no reaosn to expect that the economy wouldhave gone to 25% unemployment - total BS and fiction. AMEXwent doen, Merrill went down and AIG went down. Ifthey had reorged legimately unstead of under duress created by the FED and the Treausry - we wouldhad a downs wing but a big deal. Local and regionalbanks are fine - only the firends of the Fed had trouble. If you are out of a job and losing your house - thank Obama, Geithner and their savvy banking friends.
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Insurance Industry's Final Ad Blitz: Don't Blame Us For Your High Costs

She is absolutely correct and Obamacare is a bailout fraud for docs, Hosps and Drug cos who continue to charge outrageous fees and balloon healthcare costs without control. That is the issue but the only thing Obama seems to know is spend and tax, bailout and bonuses. You'd think after a year of giving all our money away to the richand incompetent he be tired and start to focus on the 10% unemployment or foreclosures that all his policies have caused to the rest of us. But I guess - anyone for another of taxpayer funded bonuses Goldman and the gang? Remeber their Obama's savvy friends.
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Sunday, March 7, 2010

Lobbyist Donations Closely Tied To Earmarks

Let's go back to 1Q08 - every move that Obama has made has been designed to benefit his benefactors, How could any sane and rational president take over and continue bailouts, bonuses, no strings, no taxes, no accopuntabnility to banks who then purposefully and with malicious intent collapse the economy and destroy the lives of millions whil Obama stand and watches and comments on how savvy they are to demolish our financial infrastructure. There has always been a correlation between money and a free lunch in the corridors of power. Obama is no different, infact the difference bewteen Bush and Obama for sheer idiocy if dimishing rapidly
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Saturday, March 6, 2010

President Obama, Replace Rahm With Me: An Open Letter From Michael Moore

Michael Moore has the right idea - focus on an agenda that has a relationship to reality, build a story and communicate it effectively over and over again then create legislationthat seems like a no brioaner and it goes through. The only thing that Moore misses is that it is NOT the people around Obama that the problem. They are certainly contributors no doubt. But it is Obama that is the road block to all constructive legislation. No matter who you are and what you say to the guy - he will not change. He isjust not the right guy for the times. Hw would have been fine a decade ago or a decade hence but now him and his style of perpetual talk and non action and weakness is part of his character. Michael Moore, the guy who shouted at AIG that he wanted our money back doesn;t get that the reason AIG got and kept the money along with the rest and gave themselves bonuses that destroyed the economy and there has been no change is Obama. He may not like Bush, who does, but it has been Obama that has orchestrated and maintained the corruption of the financial system, it is Obama that has supported the collapse of the american economy. He had the perfect timing to chnage the game and we would have all cheered but he didn;t, doesn't want to and won;t - remember their his friends and savvy bsuiness people
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Friday, March 5, 2010

Harry Reid Responds To Criticism Of 'Good News' Remark On Jobs Situation

Reid was stupid - this is nothing new to anybody - reminds you of Biden somtimes. He doesn;t get it and never will get it. And the reps cut it up to angle it is no worse or better than the dems on Bunning - who by the way did the right thing. He stood up for something - why not have an extension of unemployment benefits paid for out of the stimulus money instead of pouring on to the ever expanding national debt. It was a good and valuable question - drowned out by the rabid dialoge of the left. We all pay a price for these exchanges and the price is civility and confidence in our institutions - both parties are too blame and should be voted out in 2010.
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The Tea Party Is All About Race

OK - recreational or legal pharmacueticals? Only that could produce this rambling monloge of illogic. Of course the financial crisis was manuafctured. I gues facts like the bad guys loaned money to themselves withthe complicity of their firends and then gavethe,sel;ves bonuses and locked out credit to shut down the market and they did it all insecret has nothing to do with reality. Sorry dude, you are what we called seriously out of touch with reality. Second, your refusal to believe that the "healthcare crisis" is manufactured doesn't make it so. Like your anecdotal drivel about a foreclosure - when the banks Obama gave billions to for no reason collapsed the economy - people dropped health insurance - if they had jobs they would have kept it. THis decreased insurance revenues and revealed what's behind the mask - greedy docs, hosps and drug cos. Second, insurance is a price support - it props up docs, hosps and drug companies - the reason that medical services cost so much. So is the healthcare crisis around insurance manufactured - absolutley. Have we done anythning to control DHD costs no. Vilola- another Obama bailout. 2 massive bailouts to the rich and we reap econ collapse and devastation thanks to our Prez and the fraud of the Big Lie.
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Obama Reads Letter To Insurance Executives To Shame Them

So much smoke and so little demonstration of the fire of intelligence. Is it the insurance that's the issue or the rising and uncontrolled costs of medical services by bloated and fraud ridden docs, hosp and drug companies? Insurance raise premiums based on the skyrocketing increase in doc costs andthentake tack on their persentage. Spare everyone your hypocrisy Obama and your wife chattering on about childhood obesity - if you're not going to go after the bad guys in full force (docs, hosps and drug companies) - go away.
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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

RNC Handbook Plays On 'Fear,' Mocks Donors

OK - meana nd nasty - what's your point. A litle perspective - in $q08 while Bush was building the road to our econ ruin by the unecessary bailout of AIG, AMEX and Merrill Lynch Republicans were lamening that they would out of power for 8 years. In comes Obama and takes over right where Bush began - bailing out big banks and passingout huge billion dollar bonuses in taxpayer money that absorbed the available credit and collapsed the economy. Obama did this when he could have stood and done the right thing for the country - reorged the financial sector, held some trials, gooten back the bonus and bailout money and not lent anymore. It is from this personal and leadership failure that the collapse of his administration begins. Everything is connected to this event - even healthcare and the number of peoplewho have insurance - it;s not affordability it's that they don;t have jobs and the Obama induced recession has scared them. This has created the space for the republicans and the creation of the teabaggers. Nothing else. .If had done the right thing - we would be in the middle of a speedy recovery and his chorus of Bush do it would fall on open ears. Point fingers wherethey belong
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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Cure That Dares Not Speak Its Name

While not completely concurring with Reich's Single payer idea- his analysis is sound and applies to everything Obama has done - everything - he has missed the boat and doomed the country for years. Everyone knows and understands this - some refuse to publicaly admit it for the damage control it would take. Everything they guy touches has turned to garbage - not because of bipartisanship - that's a dem boogeyman. It's because he hasn;t made the case and pursued anything successfully. Starting with the bankers bailouts and bonuses - that showed his fundamental weakness and downright stupidity - yammering about cap and trade while the financial infrastructure of the country was looted with the collusion and participation of the fed and treasury. He has missed the moment and gone after too many things and people just don;t believe him. Even of they like the guy - thwey just don;t see him as a leader capable of delivering - this is not a good place with 3 years left and 2010 elections coming up.
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