Monday, November 22, 2010

Michele Bachmann Won't Back Down On 'Anti-American' Obama, Debunked India Trip Costs (VIDEO)

Bachmann is on the other side of tomorrow but her point about Obama is not far off the mark - looking at his track record he must in some way either hate or truly despise the country in a very clear selfish way. It's healthacre -that's just a tip of the journey into Obamaland - it the ewya he has systematically destoyed our country's economy thorugh the support of the megabanks with over $2 trillionto collapse pur way of life - whywould he do that except ifhe found us all offensive? Not one megabanker has missed a bonus while millions are in foreclosure - not one is in jail, the list goes on. Is Obama anti-american - depends on how you define but don;t reject the concept - is like gays who reject thatare gay or similar self - hate - has his self hate become our downfall
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Velma Hart Laid Off: Woman Who Told Obama Of Financial Fears Loses Her Job

welcome to ObamaLand and the vision of chnage that is Obamanomics - which is totally color blind - it will shaft anyone unless you are not a megabanker
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Sunday, November 21, 2010

Heart Health: The Factors That Put Women at Risk for Heart Disease

this article deals with symptoms. Heart disease is exacerbated by stress but can be oversome through diet and I mean a real balanced nutritional diet like HBL and standard exercise. your body is chemical factory and when you create imbalances through bad fuel or externally inducedfactrors like you must compensate - get the right fuel, exercise and your risk plummets - of course doctors don;t make as much money feeding you drugs or therapy but you feel better
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Saturday, November 20, 2010

New Afghan War Plans Could Cost U.S. Taxpayers An Extra $125 BILLION

It's the Obama Way - so al true true Obamaphiles will begin chanting now please. This begins by putting your hands on your wallets or credit cards and thinking of all the undeserving things you could do with your money - bailout out megabankers to destroy the economy, bailouts for doctors and drug companes to overcharge for services, bailouts for unecessary wars that erode our confidence in public insiutions, bailout illegals for the public services they eat up - schools, medical, etc. the list goes on and on - now select just one OR if youare true acolyte of Obama you take all yourmoeny and spend it all these things at one time and ruin eveything in your life at once - be a true Obamaphile anf follow the WAY
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Friday, November 19, 2010

How Banks Bought Their Own Mortgage Securities During The Housing Boom (CHART)

wow - big surprise - anyone who has been following me knows that the megabanks and Obama's continuing suppport through bailouts, buybacks, and fed policy of pumping them full of money at the expense of the economy is the reason for our economic condition. This is a simple and straight forward method of running up the value of garbage merchandise - it's like laundering money that similar gangsetrs use to clean up the books. The value and nature of the underlying asset is hidden the more it gets packaged and rebundled and as it gets repackaged it gains value. You then insure the newly repackaged products with the garbage assets disguised and them spread them throughout your portfolio knowing they will fail so you can cover your losses through the insurance company. This is racketeering at it's finest - does anyone honestly believe that all those smart guys in the Obama adminstration and the fed don;t know this = are we to assume that all that leadership is mentally bankrupt that they don't get it? The answer is no - Obama and the fed under his direction are feeding these financial criminals - literally paying them off - think of this as a racket. Obama could have stopped all this when he took office but no - he became a dupe in 3Q08 when he bought the initial story of "financial meltdown" that never existed but now he is a clear accomplice to the looting of america.
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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Nancy Pelosi Elected House Minority Leader

when you're brain dead - sometimes it just doesn;t matter how far you sink
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Friday, November 12, 2010

Wells Fargo 'Nightmare' For Homeowner Applying For Help Under Administration's Anti-Foreclosure Program

the only way to bring down the megabanks is too being down Obama and the Fed. Don;t get confused about cash flows, econ policy and cultural elite that dominates econ activity. the megabanks devastated the eocnomy and then were pumped with Obama money directly, through indirect kickbacks, fed free money, etc to the tune of over $2 trilion so far. THis money is what destroyed the economy as the banks absorbed the funds to cover debts and froze credit and business/personal cash flows, wrecking the econ. THis money is given without conditions, accoountability, etc. - literally paying gangsters off and the discovering that they takes your money and continue to be gangsters - wow a shock
About Foreclosures
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