Monday, June 14, 2010
Arizona's Next Immigration Target: Children Of Illegals
Sounds great - anchor babies is an accurate term for the reason illegals stay lomg aftertheir personal need. Don;t know who the author of this article is butthey totally worng there is nothing in the constitution that says children bron to ilegals is a citizens - in fact the constitution says next to noithing about citizenship qualfiications - the author mighttry actualy readin the docuemnt. Several decisions about ciutizenship have been brought to court - the big ones around slavery, etc. but there has been no case regarding illegals and citizenship. The US uses an old ebeglish doctrine to normally define the absis for citzenship but there is no distinct constutional law on this particular question and it certainly does NOT say iantying in the constitution
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Thursday, June 10, 2010
Feds Didn't Do Enough To Avoid 'Poisonous' AIG Bailout And Now Changing Story To Defend It, Watchdog Says
Remeber that period? They came up with the giveaways ys to make sure their friends got their yearly bonuses. It came to Bush - he was leaving so he didn;t care and Obama said yes he supported the baiouts and the when he came into office a few months later he expanded and never questioned any of the bailouts or taxed the bonuses - nothing.. These bailouts and the $2 trilion in giveaways are Obama's fault, the collapse of the economy is Obama's fault - unemploymnet, foreclosures, loan remod program, stimullus, - all total failures and all Obama's fault. I don;t care what you want to blame on Bush - wars, taxes, lies, whatever BUT this economic catastrophe is entirely of Obama's doing every bit of it. If he had taken the opportunity to reorg the financial sector in Feb 09 we would be past all this and be better for it. The reason we're not is Obama's fault. I do not understand why people have these ignorance blinders on - Bush and Obama are the two presidents we'ev ever had in over 200 years
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Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Jan Brewer, Arizona Governor, To Meet With Obama This Week
An additional $500 million - wow. To put that in perspective - Goldman Sachs paid itself over $6 BILLION in taxpayer funded bonuses from Obama. That's 12x the amount he is putting into this problem just for bonuses. Which were designed to compensate for their failure to their job. Guess that's where the similarity with immigration comes in.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Barney Frank: 'As A Jew' I'm 'Ashamed' Over Treatment Of Palestinians
This is a challenge and a dilemma. Why would Barney Frank as a Jew feel ashamed of Israel. Israel is a separate, secular country -not part of the US and we are not responsible for their actions (although we pay for most of them). Is Barney an american or not or is he a closet Israeli to the exclusion of balanced policy for our country? This is one of the pillars of the new anti-semitism - who do Jews owe their loyalties too - Israel or the country where they have citizenship. Simliar to the old catholic and the pope bigotry. Barney doesn't come from Israel, his family doesn't, etc. but he also needs to undetrstand why he feels this way and ask if it has influenced his policy decisions, conceiveably to the detrement of larger US foreign policy goals? We should all use an incident like this for good and try to understand if we have been turning a blind eye to behaviors we should be trying to change. Have we been feeding trying to save Israel for solong from itself thatwe have in fact now become part of the problem? Maybe not trying to save it is the best way to help. Whether it's a friend or a country maybe having too many life perservers means you never learn how to swim.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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