Monday, February 22, 2010

James K. Galbraith: We Need Jobs Not Deficit Reduction

James G. is on serious meds - and misreadin Keynes won't do any good. Keynes was an advocate of temporary defciit spending to increase the liquidity in the market and spur growth - hew was opposed to the type of economy we have.Permanent deficits with no abaility to ever getourselves out of debt. We need to make heard choices and go to sources of income that remain untapped - all the bankres and the bonuses they recived from the govt - tax the bonuses into the ground and breakup the banks. That's $200 billion. Raiseincome taxes on the rich and stop [playing footsie with deductions and tax credits. The effective percentage the rich pay is under 20%. Less than 5% of the pop qualify for these measures. less than 5% - so it effects very few people to help very many. Can't the 5% drip into their limitless barrel and give more to the country that gave them their wealth?
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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