Wednesday, February 24, 2010

FDIC: Bank Lending Tumbles 7.5 Percent In 2009

and this is a surprise to who? Number One to Obamaphiles who believe there was a financial meltdown and bankers who failed deserved hundreds of billions of tapxayers dollars and billions in bonuses to make they didn;t go unemplyed and to make they absorbed all the credit in themarket causing smakl and med biz to collapse and jobs to belost and foreclosures to skyrocket. Number Two - to blind and stupid republicans who would watch america fall to attain soem mentary political gain - anything to enrich personal powr and the powerof the wealthy even more. Obama has failed because he has decided who he wants to collude with - dems have failed because when power they became arrogant lemmings forgettingtheir jobs and commen sense. reps who abandoned their constituents when theywere needed most as a voice of rationality tocounter balance Obama. Vote them all out in 2010. Allof them.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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